Training days in Murcia


JOIN Proyecto Europeo

During the months of October and November 2022, a series of training sessions were held at the “Puertas de Castilla” Cultural Centre in the city of Murcia to select the 6 participants of the Join Project in Spain. The themes of the conference revolved around the following topics:

  • Circular Economy. At the first of the JOIN project’s training days, held on 8 October, we spoke to Traperos de Emaús Murcia about the importance of the Circular Economy from a social and solidarity economy perspective. Afterwards, we put our creativity to the test in a workshop to learn how to distinguish between a waste and a resource.

  • Water and Agriculture On Saturday 22nd October we were at the Centro Cultural Puertas de Castilla with Lorena Rosique, from Vivens hortis, learning how to do agroecology from our homes. In addition, we learned about the advantages of having a vegetable garden for self-consumption and how to produce compost from waste.

  • Depopulation. On Thursday 3 November we talked about rural depopulation with Andrés Pedreño Cánovas. We also held a workshop on “Participatory diagnosis for rural development” with Carlos Javier Egio Rubio.

  • Biodiversity and Environment. On the fourth and final day, held on 5 November, we discussed sustainability, the environment and what we can do to preserve biodiversity with María José Gómez Vidal. We also learned how to make our own soap from used oil in a very interesting workshop.

These training sessions were organised by the Department of Equality, Youth and Development Cooperation, the Department of European Programmes, Municipal Initiatives and Public Roads. In collaboration with the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports.

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