What is the aim of JOIN project?
To set up a transnational network of young women for a just and social ecological transition in order to create an urban-rural ecosystem that enables, through relationships and dialogue between young people, the union of different approaches, perspectives and realities between urban and rural areas.
To this end, JOIN proposes to create spaces for reflection and joint work for women, with civil society agents, experts and politicians from the local sphere, based on the parameters of participation and co-creation. The ultimate aim is to build a climate-neutral, ecological, fair and social Europe: “Space and participation for all”.
We are looking for the leaders of the future, young women with concerns, who like to travel and meet people of their age, interested in Biodiversity, the Environment and participatory processes.
Through different activities and training days, 6 young women will be selected who are willing to acquire new skills and travel as part of this initiative to build an inclusive, ecological and more plural Europe.
What does the JOIN Project offer?
The European JOIN project is framed in the context of the Erasmus + Programme, specifically in the “Erasmus Youth Together” environment, and therefore if you join JOIN, you have the possibility to take advantage of these opportunities.
Receive non-formal education, exchange experiences and good practices with other young people from other countries in the European area, acquire skills to develop in group environments, travel in the context of working groups, participate in spaces of co-creation and leadership in female.
Who is involved in the JOIN Project?
We have three European partners, Portugal, Greece and Italy, which bring added value by allowing us to get to know the realities of the four European locations, their groups and their young people in rural areas.
How long will the JOIN Project last?
The duration of the JOIN Project is two (2) years, from March 2022 to March 2024.
How old are the young women participating in the Project?
Between 16 and 29 years old.
What were the first steps of the project?
Between October and November 2022, a series of training actions were held, divided into four thematic areas interrelated with the aims of the project (Circular Economy, Biodiversity and Environment, Water and Agriculture and Depopulation) in which presentations were given by experts and the lessons learned were also put into practice through practical workshops.
How can I find out more about JOIN?
You can email us at planjoven@ayto-murcia.es.
Or call us on 968 23 15 89.