JOIN Project Partners


Mujer en granja

We present the associations participating in the JOIN Project together with the City Council of Murcia.

Tou Play (Italy)

It is a non-profit association based in southern Italy. It promotes European values, active citizenship and the enhancement of cultural heritage through the use of games.

Filoxenia (Greece)

Greek intercultural-environmental organisation with a strong tradition of volunteer and youth work in Greece. It promotes interculturalism and understanding between citizens, ecology, environmental protection and sustainable development of rural areas.

Gaia (Portugal)

Grupo de Acçao e Intervençao Ambienta is a Portuguese environmental NGO working with young people aged 12-17 and 18-30, local producers and ecological projects in the field of Agroecological Education, Forestry, Regional Networking and Communication. Its mission is to promote green lifestyles through learning experiences in the context of climate urgency.

Murcia City Council

The Concejalía de Juventud del Ayuntamiento de Murcia is the coordinating organisation of the project. The Department is a municipal service whose main purpose is to respond to the real needs of young people in town. Its main functions include: promoting the participation of young people in all socio-cultural areas of their environment and of the municipality; promoting the development of programmes and activities to raise awareness of tolerance, solidarity and participation in public life; encouraging, promoting and promoting the cultural and artistic interests of young people in Murcia. To invigorate education and promote the integral development of pupils and students, to provide information and materials and advise young people on their issues of interest, to promote knowledge and bring young people closer to the European reality, to promote dialogue, mutual tolerance, awareness and solidarity beyond the borders of the European Union in order to combat prejudices and stereotypes, and to build societies based on mutual respect and understanding. The Department also has spaces for support and technical assistance for participation, promotes youth leadership, training for participation and associationism.

He has been working for more than 26 years in EU youth programmes with countries in Europe, Latin America and the Mediterranean.

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